
Showing posts from July, 2023

Quitting the cardboard crack addiction

It is the worst kept secret in the world of table top gaming:  Magic the Gathering can be more expensive than a drug addiction.   The game has not earned the moniker cardboard crack for nothing, as MTG is equally as addictive as it is a drain on your wallet.   And to their credit, Hasbro has successfully monetized this 30 year old game to prop up their bottom line. Up till now I typically buy all the Commander decks, a collector's box and a set or draft box of each new set. This package of new sealed product cost me $760 CDN when pre-ordered for Strixhaven in 2021.  Today for Commander Masters, the same items will run $1667.   When you factor in the rapid release cycle, all the new Secret Lairs, and of course new gimmicks like the new add-on sets (MoM Aftermath) keeping up with everything Wizards is pumping out is simply not doable. Wizards is clearly more concerned with the bottom line than it is with the satisfaction, trust or loyalty of their c...